Product Description
3/16" Trivalent Swing Chain 3.5'
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This 3/16″ Trivalent-coated chain is made to resist rust and is 3.5 feet in length. This chain meets all ASTM requirements. The coating has a consistent bright finish. This chain would be good in coastal areas. The chain is 4/0 Aught and Grade 30. The links are 1” long and the opening is ½” wide. Any of Jensen's S-hooks or shackles will work with this chain. Chain that is not bought from a playground manufacturer does not have the quality control and have been known to have weak links and can contain air bubbles. Tensile 3200 lbs.
Trivalent Coating Project
- Objective: Improve salt spray testing performance from 12 hours to 120 hours on clear zinc chain products.
- Background: Process: Clean chain, zinc plate chain and apply trivalent coating.
- Chain meets ASTM B633 Fe/Zn 5 Type III requirements.
- Implemented a new trivalent coating along with process and equipment improvements.
- The new trivalent coating is microscopically thinner with an improved resistance to a salt spray testing environment.
- No change to the overall process flow.
- Salt spray testing per ASTM B117 improved to 120+ hours to white rust.
- The new coating has a consistent attractive bright finish.
Competitive information, external laboratory results:
Competing domestic chain manufacturers have not adopted this coating.