How To Maintain Your Playground Equipment

How To Maintain Your Playground Equipment

Posted by Discount Playground Supply on Apr 21st 2023

Playgrounds are great places for people of all ages to enhance their physical coordination and get some much-needed exercise. However, if you don’t properly manage the space, it can prematurely degrade, wasting the investment and creating potential hazards.

Therefore, property managers and communities alike must know how to keep their playgrounds in top shape. Foul weather and everyday use degrade your play equipment, making it essential to have a plan in place for regular upkeep. Read on to learn how to maintain your playground equipment throughout the year.

Be Vigilant

It can be challenging to keep up with problems that arise with your playground equipment, especially if it gets a lot of use. However, you must know the state of the equipment and have a plan in place if you find deficiencies.

Staying vigilant helps you avoid unnecessary accidents or damage to the equipment. Inspect your playground as often as possible to spot issues early and make sure nobody gets hurt before you can make the necessary repairs. In the meantime, you can put up hazard signs and close off certain areas to prevent people from using damaged equipment.

Do Regular Maintenance and Repairs

The worst thing you can do for your playground is ignore damage and let things go for too long without fixing them. This poses a risk to users and causes the equipment to degrade more quickly. Regular maintenance and repairs will ensure everything is safe and in its best condition.

For example, you must fix missing pieces, broken chains, and loose bolts as soon as you discover them. Likewise, you should treat any sign of rust carefully. Using treated materials will limit the amount of rust that forms. However, if you need to clean a surface, apply a coat of rust remover and scrub the area with a wire brush.

Hire a Certified Professional

In some cases, keeping up with regular maintenance can be too much. If you want your playground to be in top condition but don’t have the time to maintain it yourself, consider hiring a certified professional. This individual will handle installing, cleaning, and maintaining the equipment for you.

Putting up a playground and keeping it in good shape takes time and effort. If you do either incorrectly, you can create hazards and reduce the lifespan of the equipment. Hiring professionals capable of maintaining everything properly can make a big difference, especially in larger playgrounds or those that see a lot of use throughout the year.

Keep Track of Foul Weather

Ensuring your playground stays in good condition means staying on top of ongoing changes in the weather and climate. Extreme temperatures and weather can damage playground equipment, making it essential to perform inspections immediately after a bad storm or extremely hot day.

Falling trees, hail, and plastic-melting temperatures are just a few ways the elements can damage your equipment. Tracking the weather will allow you to prepare your equipment for extreme situations and know when to perform thorough inspections.

Purchase a Hardware Kit

Most types of playground equipment wear out over time. Chains and fasteners can break or become loose and fall off, making replacements a regular need. If you leave your playground unattended, equipment will quickly fall apart, putting users at risk and making the structure unusable.

Keeping a swing set hardware kit around will make it easier to do repairs and adjustments as soon as they become necessary. Even with optimal care, playgrounds degrade eventually. With a hardware kit, you can ensure yours lasts as long as possible.

Design Flood Control

One of the worst things for a playground is standing water. It erodes metal and other materials and invites insects, making the area less than ideal for visitors. Designing flood control measures will ensure your playground stays dry, making it better suited for recreation.

Most important is choosing a good location for the playground. Avoid depressed areas or those that are prone to collecting water. You can also use flood walls, levees, and other water-control mechanisms if you have limited location choices. In worst-case scenarios, you can deploy a flood pump to remove standing water, but this option can be expensive.

Manage Pests

Another thing to watch out for when maintaining your playground is uninvited guests. Pests can get into your equipment and make short work of it. Insects such as bees and ants can also move in, causing damage and making it risky or uncomfortable for children to play in the structure.

Dealing with pests can be difficult, but if you want your equipment to stay in good condition, you must take action. Using sealed wood will prevent cracks from forming, making it harder for insects to create nests. Also, monitor corners and other shady spaces for nests and immediately remove any you find.

Clean Up Trash and Debris

Trash and debris accumulate, especially in public playgrounds. Discarded materials make the area look less inviting and can become a hazard if you don’t address them. For example, broken glass and other sharp objects pose risks to children and adults alike, making it vital to regularly survey and clean the space.

Furthermore, playgrounds are breeding places for germs and bacteria. Sanitizing and disinfecting equipment can help keep people healthy, and part of this is removing dirt and debris from equipment surfaces. This will also prevent eroding, extending the structure’s lifespan and reducing the spread of illness.

Use the Right Surfacing

Playground surfacing is crucial to your equipment’s overall quality and lifespan. Surfacing absorbs shocks and reduces hazards for children, making your choice of surfacing one of the most important design elements.

While surfacing like woodchips is inexpensive and much safer than rocks or cement, you have to replace it as often as twice a year. Rubber flooring is more expensive up front but lasts longer, making it a good investment for those who don’t want to worry about it for some time. Ultimately, the best surfacing for your playground will depend on your needs, your budget, and how much maintenance you want to do.

Plan Accordingly To Ensure Your Playground Lasts

A well-maintained playground benefits communities, whether in a building complex, schoolyard, or local park. However, creating a cleaning schedule and setting aside a repair budget is essential if you want your playground to last. Knowing how to maintain your playground equipment will ensure everyone can enjoy the space without the risk of unexpected hazards.

How To Maintain Your Playground Equipment