How to Motivate Kids to Be More Active in 6 Steps

How to Motivate Kids to Be More Active in 6 Steps

Apr 17th 2019

Motivating Kids Activity Image

As humans, we need to take care of our bodies by providing them with nourishment and staying physically active. If you’re a parent, teaching your kids early in their childhood the importance of exercise is essential. However, some children just aren’t motivated to exercise. Let’s dive into how to motivate kids to be more active.

Be a Role Model

Children learn through examples set by their parents. If your kids frequently see you lifting weights in the garage or pulling weeds in the backyard, they’ll be more likely to see these activities as healthy and fun, and they’ll want to participate in them.

Make It a Seamless Part of Their Daily Routine

One way to incorporate exercise into your kid’s day is to walk to school with them. This allows you to spend valuable with them and get moving. You can also have them assist you with household tasks, such as raking leaves or washing the car. Once they participate in these activities with you, your kids won’t even see them as chores. Furthermore, if your kids play with their friends after school, encourage them to play outside in the fresh air.

Set Limits on Electronics

On average, young children and teens spend more than seven hours per day using electronic devices for entertainment. To reduce the time your kids spend playing on their electronics, set a specific time limit. For example, give them 30 minutes each day and let them know that they need to spend their time on other activities once the time limit is up. Exercising with your kids during television commercials is another solution.

Suggest Fun Activities

If children participate in activities they enjoy, they’re more likely to stick with them. Bicycling, ice skating, rollerblading, and playing organized sports are all exciting activities kids love. You can also take them to playground outdoor playsets, trampoline parks,or organized events such as charity walks. Kids love to feel like they’re a part of something special. Don’t forget to mix up activities throughout the week—you don’t want them to get bored.

Understand Your Child’s Anxieties About Exercise

Your child may fear that other kids will tease them or that they won’t be able to keep up with their peers. Accepting your child’s frustrations and working with them to find physical activities they like is important. They don’t even have to join a competitive sport if they don’t want to—as long as they’re staying active in other ways, they’ll be in good shape.

Use Friendly Competition as a Motivator

Some children, especially little ones, simply want to be the best at everything. If your kids are competitive, make up a contest between you and them—the winner receives a prize!