Latest 2022 Trends in Playground Design and Themes

Latest 2022 Trends in Playground Design and Themes

Posted by Discount Playground Supply on Mar 7th 2022

Latest 2022 Trends in Playground Design and Themes

The playground’s a fantastic place for all to have fun and exert their energy. As many more communities adapt and renovate their parks, it’s time to take advantage of the latest trends in playground design and themes for 2022. Here’s what you shouldn’t be missing out on this year for your park remodel.

Inclusive Playgrounds

Many families with children with disabilities can have even more fun while at the park. As parks make changes to play areas to include equipment that doesn’t violate ASDA, more families find it to be a refreshing change.

2022’s the year where many park administrators add on the needed elements to create more inclusive playgrounds, such as more sensory play toys, wider ramps, and more ramps for children.

Intergenerational Play

No one can say someone’s too old to play at the park anymore. With the integration of inclusive play, many parks are seeing a rise in adult adventure parks and other equipment geared toward playtime for the entire family.

Instead of following their children around, you can expect to see more recreational areas with play equipment that encourages parents and children to play on the playset together. For example, parks are installing things like a gaga ball pit kit.

Playing gaga ball encourages everyone of all skill levels and ages to come together for a game that’s like dodgeball but more fun and less dangerous.

More Outdoor Fitness Gear

It’s now popular to allow people to do more than just swing, walk around the track, or play soccer on a grassy field. Many utilize unused spaces as outside fitness centers for all age groups and abilities.

This is especially true in urban areas, where many university students have a place to work out if they don’t have gym memberships.

Better Play Spaces

Playtime is essential for all; 2022 is the year of design. Having a themed space encourages kids and parents to use their imaginations and craft a story of their made-up adventure at the park.

Imaginary play is essential to all children, as it challenges them to use their creativity to make up locations, events, and even characters. This space will forever change the way children learn about creativity on the playground or off.

With the latest 2022 playground design trends, architects, park administrators, and others have started to see more progression in how they envision their parks. A successful playground begins with a creative mind that incorporates all the necessary elements for an inclusive environment.

There are many things a park administrator can do to help make their parks stand out and become more involved by welcoming everyone in and around the community. You can start your park remodel right by utilizing equipment and repair kits from Discount Playground Supply. For more information on helping your playground out, contact us here.