Where Have All the Fast-Food Playgrounds Gone?

Where Have All the Fast-Food Playgrounds Gone?

Posted by Discount Playground Supply on Mar 28th 2023

Fast-food restaurants have always tried to offer families an exciting place to take their kids for a meal. Constructing on-site playgrounds made it easier for parents to entertain their kids while going out to eat.

Unfortunately, these types of installations have all but disappeared in recent years. Where have all the fast-food playgrounds gone?


One of the biggest reasons fast food restaurants removed their playgrounds is the liability of having the equipment on the premises. Over the past few decades, an increasing number of injuries led companies such as McDonald’s to reevaluate their play areas.

Broken bones, sprains, and concussions are among the most common injuries sustained on playgrounds, and fast-food restaurants have been held legally responsible for injuries that occurred on their property.


Playground equipment can become expensive, especially with continuous repairs. Workers are forced to take time out of their schedule to clean, demanding more time and money away from the core business.

Gathering sufficient funding for a safe play area can take time and effort. If you're looking for something affordable, you can use commercial play equipment for sale to improve your installation.


More fast-food playgrounds have closed in recent years due to ongoing health concerns. A public playground in the same place people are eating isn't sanitary.

Handrails, slides, swings, and ball pits that aren't cleaned regularly can become breeding grounds for sickness. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, most establishments that offered play areas closed them permanently due to the potential of spreading illness.

New Locations Are Skipping Play Areas Altogether

Decades ago, play areas were seen as a huge benefit to families going out. However, they're more concerning today. They can cause injury and spread disease, not to mention the additional overhead costs that fast-food restaurants have to deal with.

All the fast-food playgrounds have been removed due to public health and safety concerns.