Why Wooden Playgrounds Are Slowly Becoming Extinct

Why Wooden Playgrounds Are Slowly Becoming Extinct

Posted by Discount Playground Supply on Jan 11th 2022

Why Wooden Playgrounds Are Slowly Becoming Extinct

We notice that more urban planners and park administrators are using improved safety standards. We're left wondering why many communities lack a wooden playground despite these safety standards. Here's our view on why wooden playgrounds are slowly becoming extinct.

Cost More To Maintain

Playgrounds have a compelling history—dating back to 1859, play areas have seen a massive transformation from traditional metal bars to wooden beams, and now modern plastic and softer materials.

Aside from its past, many wonder where all the wooden playsets have gone today. The biggest thing many see happening is that the maintenance of wooden playsets has increased over the years.

For instance, wooden beams may need to be changed every decade and re-stained annually to prevent rust. This maintenance alone takes more time and eats away at a park’s budget.

Too Many Safety Hazards

Safety is one of the biggest things parents worry about, and many park administrators implement safety the most in their blueprints. Many things go amiss with a wooden play area, such as getting splinters, tripping over wooden play borders, and coming in contact with harmful germs.

However, the reason these safety hazards happen is because of age. As wood ages, a child's risk of injuring themselves on wooden playsets increases.

Wooden Playgrounds Look the Same

The unfortunate part is that all wooden playgrounds look the same. No matter what changes you add to the park, the playground always looks the same.

As for other materials like plastic, vinyl, and steel, you can implement different colors and shapes into an area. Furthermore, even the playset borders come in more versatile ways to make parks more inclusive and fun to play in.

Very Short Lifespan

The unfortunate reality, and what many could assume is the number one reason why wooden playgrounds are slowly becoming extinct, is that wooden play areas have a short lifespan that can cross only a few years.

There are a few reasons a wooden playground has a short life, such as mold and rot, warping, or insect infestations.

Mold and Rot

Since wood is a natural material, it makes sense that it does get wet and grow things harmful to children. A moldy or rotted-out wooden playset's pivotal joints weaken and eventually give out when in play. You should inspect wooden playgrounds regularly for sanitary issues like mold.

Insect Infestation

A playset made from wood is the perfect harvesting area for bugs, such as termites and ants. Eventually, the play area grows mold, and water floods the vicinity.


Like a home's infrastructure, warping on wooden playgrounds can cause many problems, such as splintering. At this point, it's better to demolish and rebuild a safer playground.

Although wooden playgrounds were the best parts of summer days in the past, it's time to turn the page and adopt improved sustainable materials to build better play areas. Like other parts of our communities, playgrounds are evolving to ensure a safer experience for children.

Discount Playground Supply provides park administrators and urban planners the opportunity to enhance their playgrounds with better equipment that lasts longer than wood.